Source code for markovclick.viz

Functions for visualising Markov chain

from graphviz import Digraph
import numpy as np
from markovclick.models import MarkovClickstream

[docs]def visualise_markov_chain(markov_chain: MarkovClickstream) -> Digraph: """ Visualises Markov chain for clickstream as a graph, with individual pages as nodes, and edges between the first and second most likely nodes (pages). Probabilities for these transitions are annotated on the edges (arrows). Args: markov_chain (MarkovClickstream): Initialised MarkovClickstream object with probabilities computed. Returns: Digraph: Graphviz Digraph object, which can be rendered as an image or PDF, or displayed inside a Jupyter notebook. """ if not isinstance(markov_chain, MarkovClickstream): raise TypeError( f'Argument `markov_chain` must be of type ' f'MarkovClickstream. {type(markov_chain)} object provided ' f'instead.' ) graph = Digraph() prob = markov_chain.prob_matrix prob_matrix_sorted = np.argsort(markov_chain.prob_matrix, axis=1) nodes = markov_chain.pages for i, node in enumerate(nodes): graph.node( node, node, style='filled', fillcolor='#76ff03', fontname='Helvetica', penwidth='0', fontcolor='#1a237e' ) first_trans = nodes[prob_matrix_sorted[i, -1]] most_prob = prob[i, prob_matrix_sorted[i, -1]] graph.edge( node, first_trans, label=f'{most_prob:.2f}', fontname='Helvetica', penwidth='1.5', color='#90caf9', arrowsize='0.75' ) second_prob = prob[i, prob_matrix_sorted[i, -2]] sec_trans = nodes[prob_matrix_sorted[i, -2]] graph.edge( node, sec_trans, label=f' {second_prob:.2f}', fontname='Helvetica', penwidth='0.75', fontsize='10', color='#90caf9', arrowsize='0.5' ) if node != first_trans and node != sec_trans: graph.edge( node, node, label=f' {prob[i, i]:.2f}', fontname='Helvetica', penwidth='1.8', fontsize='10', color='#cfd8dc', arrowsize='0.5' ) return graph